Why corporate yoga?

Even if you love your job, there are still days when it feels like you need to move mountains to get things done!

Replying to an email, finishing a last minute urgent report while doing a webinar, chatting with a colleague in Teams - all at the same time… Sounds familiar?

Add to this the responsibilities of an adult’s everyday life, everything from paying the bills to raising kids (the latter definitely contributing to the number of bills to pay) – and you can’t help wondering: how do we all actually make it happen?

Yoga must have been invented with stressed out professionals in mind. Practiced in a variety of styles and offering adjustments to fit almost anyone’s level of fitness, yoga helps us to create the space and time to take care of ourselves.

Say No to Back Pain and Muscle Tension

Yoga helps to relieve muscle tension. No need to go into any crazy backbends for this: yoga offers a variety of poses that are accessible and enjoyable even for beginners.

Improve Digestion

Yoga offers a lot of poses to boost metabolism and fight intoxication. Additionally, yoga promotes “clean” eating habits: eating minimally processed live foods and eating in moderation. The effect on digestion is incredible.

Reduce Stress

Physical movement is secondary in yoga, with deep controlled breathing being much more important. As you bring more oxygen to the brain and every cell of the body, you start feeling more balanced, energized and less irritated.

Increase Focus and Productivity

Yoga improves blood circulation in the brain, thus improving brain function and preparing it to cope with new challenges. Poses and meditation teach practitioners how to stay focused on the matter at hand and not to stress about what is coming next.

Boost Team Morale

Happy hours’ effect is short-lived, while a whole weekend retreat may be out of your company’s budget. Participating in a yoga class as a team promotes the feeling of connectedness and community, while making every individual team member feel more peaceful and happier.